Lab 2 Submission Sheet

Keep answers as short as possible while still meeting specifications. Submit as a PDF.

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Team Member Names:

What is one ‘Teensy Unit’?

i.e.: How much has the Voltage input to the Teensy changed when the number reported by matlablogging.m increases by 1? Include a graph of Teensy output vs. sample number, any other relevant information about your test setup or measurements, and calculations showing how you did your conversion from Voltage to Teensy units.

Effort Specification:

Complete Specification:

What is the sample rate of the Teensy running matlablogging.ino?

Effort Specification:

Complete Specification:

Fill in this table of properties for voltage dividers

Fill in only one of the “Measured Output Voltage” columns for each measurement, whichever is appropriate to the instrument that you are using to measure. If you are using the “Measured Output Voltage (Vpp)” column, then also convert that measured voltage to an RMS value in the “Converted Output Voltage (Vrms)” column.

Several column names have been abbreviated to make that table easier to fit on one page:

  • VOPI refers to “Predicted output Voltage with ideal components”, which is the prediction you are able to make before the start of lab.
  • VOPC refers to “Prediction output Voltage with measured components”, which refers to predictions of the output voltage that you make once you have measured your exact component values in lab.
  • VOM refers to “Measured output voltage”. There are two VOM columns, one in units of Vrms, and the other in units of Vpp. Fill in only the column appropriate to the instrument you are using.
  • VOC refers to “Converted output voltage”. This column will only be filled in for VOM measurements that use the Vpp units. It should contain the RMS Voltage that corresponds to your measured peak-peak Voltage.
  • \(\lambda\) refers to the 95% confidence bounds you predicted for VOPI.
  • ERRI refers to the percent error between your VOPI and VOM/VOC.
  • ERRC refers to the percent error between your VOPC and VOM/VOC.

Provide example calculations showing how you calculated the predicted output voltage and the predicted uncertainty bounds of the case where Z1=10 M\(\Omega\), Z2=20 M\(\Omega\) and you measured the output with the multimeter.

Z1 & Z2 Instrument VOPI (Vrms) VOPC (Vrms) VOM (Vrms) VOM (Vpp) VOC (Vrms) \(\lambda\) (V) ERRI (%) ERRC (%)
Z1=wire Z2=open Multimeter
Z1=wire Z2=open 1x Scope Probe
Z1=wire Z2=open 10x Scope Probe
Z1=wire Z2=open Teensy
Z1=10 \(\Omega\) Z2=20 \(\Omega\) Multimeter
Z1=10 \(\Omega\) Z2=20 \(\Omega\) Teensy
Z1=1 k\(\Omega\) Z2=2 k\(\Omega\) Multimeter
Z1=1 k\(\Omega\) Z2=2 k\(\Omega\) Teensy
Z1=100 k\(\Omega\) Z2=200 k\(\Omega\) Multimeter
Z1=100 k\(\Omega\) Z2=200 k\(\Omega\) 1x Scope Probe
Z1=100 k\(\Omega\) Z2=200 k\(\Omega\) Teensy
Z1=10 M\(\Omega\) Z2=20 M\(\Omega\) Multimeter
Z1=10 M\(\Omega\) Z2=20 M\(\Omega\) 1x Scope Probe
Z1=10 M\(\Omega\) Z2=20 M\(\Omega\) 10x Scope Probe
Z1=10 M\(\Omega\) Z2=20 M\(\Omega\) Teensy

Effort Specification:

Complete Specification:

Fill in this table of properties for voltage dividers with op-amp buffers

This table uses the same column abbreviation as the previous section.

Provide example calculations showing how you calculated the predicted output voltage and the predicted uncertainty bounds for the case where there is an op-amp at the output.

Op-amp at VOPI (Vrms) VOPC (Vrms) VOM (Vrms) \(\lambda\) (V) ERRI (%) ERRC (%)

Effort Specification:

Complete Specification: