Lab 5 Writing Assignment

Mathematical Derivations and Equations

Writing Assignment

In this writing assignment you will learn to write a rigorous mathematical derivation. You will present a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) calculated using MATLAB of a simulated square wave and provide a derivation of the square wave FFT to justify the frequency components and power levels present in the signal.

Statement of Work

Create a short MATLAB script to simulate an 11 kHz square wave with an amplitude 1.5 V and an offset 0 V. You can do this however you would like, but the following code will work.

N = 100; % Number of points
freq = 11e3; % Frequency [Hz]
period = 1/freq; % Period [s]
dt = period/10; % Sampling period [s]
t = 0:dt:(N-1)*dt; % Time vector [s]
A = 1.5; % Wave amplitude [V]
y = A*square(2*pi*freq*t); % Create square wave (Note: must have the signal processing toolbox installed to use square())

Provide a rigorous mathematical derivation explaining your results from taking the FFT of this square wave. This is similar to a theory/background section of a standard engineering lab report. Also include a MATLAB figure showing the FFT (calculated in MATLAB) of your simulated time domain square wave data. Explain your derivation and use it to justify the power levels and frequency components in your measured data by writing 5-7 paragraphs of accompanying text. Pay attention to units on the x and y axes of any FFT you analyze, and justify how to change between different units. You may include other figures if needed.

The document should contain as many mathematical equations and/or figures as you need, and five to seven paragraphs that describe the mathematical derivations and draw conclusions about the FFT. You must include equations in your text and reference them properly. In this assignment you may need to reference the laboratory manual, MATLAB documentation or mathematical references that you referred to when putting together your derivation. Though you don’t need to write a full-fledged introduction to the experiment, you will need to be mindful to orient the reader in the first paragraph.

Be mindful of tense. Tense should always agree within a paragraph, but could vary within a report. Describing the methods in past tense (e.g.: “the voltage was measured”) and the future work in future perfect (e.g., “the voltage will be used to pick a resistor”) is reasonable. Be sure to avoid use of the first person including saying “we” or “the team,” both of which count as first person because you are implying the presence of an experimenter. Two ways to avoid first person are using passive voice (discouraged where possible) and making the technical artifact the subject of the sentence.

Here are some examples:

1st Person Passive Voice Result as Subject Notes
We measured salinity Salinity was measured The salinity was
We drove the robot The robot was driven The robot drove Careful! “Passive voice” and “result as subject” say different things!

Learning Objectives

By the end of this writing assignment you will…

  • Format and present equations in text
  • Write text to support your derivation

Required Resources




Mathematical Derivations



Technical Inferences in Text
