Lab 6 Submission Sheet
Keep answers as short as possible while still meeting specifications. Submit as a PDF.
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Measured Calibration Curve for Wind Tunnel Fan Speed vs. Air Velocity
Plots of Drag Forces on Cylindrical Objects
This section calls for eight total graphs:
- Measured and Simulated Drag force vs. Reynolds number for Nose 1, 2, and 3
- Measured and Simulated Coefficient of Drag vs. Reynolds number for Nose 1, 2, and 3
- Simulated velocity profile of Nose 1, 2, and 3
- Simulated pressure contour plot of profile of Nose 1, 2, and 3
Plots of Drag Forces on Scale Robot Model
This section calls for two total graphs
- Measured and Simulated drag force vs. Reynolds number
- Measured and Simulated drag coefficient vs. Reynolds number
Plots of Lift and Drag for Flat Plate and NACA Airfoils at Different Angles of Attack
This section calls for four total graphs.
- Flat plate and NACA airfoil lift force vs. Reynolds number
- Flat plate and NACA airfoil coefficient of lift vs. Reynolds number
- Flat plate and NACA airfoil pressure contour plot
- Pressure on the bottom of the flat plate wing compare to the top of the flat plate wing at a 15 degree angle of attack
- NACA 6412 wing’s Coefficient of Lift compared to the flat plate at an angle of attack of 15 degrees
- Pressure differences between the top and bottom surfaces of the NACA 6412 wing compare to the pressure difference on the flat plate at 45 m/s and a 15 degree angle of attack